
自從加入狗來富專案之後,還多了53隻狗兒前來long stay...在這裡,狗兒們可以放肆大叫、盡情奔跑,小玉先生自從有了這些貼心毛孩們的加入,如今,他的生活重心就是...如何讓毛孩們 過得更加健康、快樂 ^o^
Danei A, Tainan
Danei is a pristine little town in Tainan City where Mr. Xiao Yu, the foster family of 52 APA’s rescue dogs resides. Mr. Xiao Yu’s farmland covers nearly 10,000 square meters of land where there are no skyscrapers or concrete walls in sight, only an abundance of vegetables and fruit planted by Mr. Xiao Yu. On this vast piece of land, the dogs are free to roam about wherever and whenever they like. They couldn’t ask for more for it is truly a doggie haven made on earth.
我們住在這裡~汪汪 !