
順著省道直行,旁邊有塊傳來陣陣草香和狗聲的小花園, 這裡是李先生的開心園藝區,裡頭有著令人心曠神怡的綠色隧道, 因為愛狗所以養狗,因為心疼狗兒所以加入了狗來富計畫, 在這,狗兒們可以盡情的在草地上嬉鬧玩耍,不再害怕也不再飢餓… 充滿愛的園藝大哥和毛小孩們的幸福故事,正在進行中…
Wanruan A, Pingdong
Mr. Lee specializes in gardening and owns a quaint garden of his own in the village of Wanruan in Pingdong. Inside his garden lies a trail that’s perfect for daily walks, and the dogs can play on the grass at will. Mr. Lee is a big dog lover and that’s why he decided to sign up to become APA’s foster family. Here, 30 of APA’s rescue dogs have embarked on their new and happy life with the Lee family.